Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Next Volunteering Project

I have applied for Global Xchange. YEYAH.

Apparently I'll be hearing from them in the next 14 days. I have crossed every conceivable part of myself. I want this so bad.

Something that I didn't realise initially is that a big part of the programme involves pre-departure fund-raising of at least £600, something I've never done before. While this concept scares me a little I think, if i get it, fund-raising would make for good FMP work and Viscom has a whole range of experience in this sort of thing, it's be a great opportunity.


As part of A.V.C. and as a follow up to my time spent in Peru, I am planning on curating my own exhibition. It will be held in the college and will showcase photos from my trip (and hopefully those of other volunteers).

I had spoken to Terry before leaving in the summer and was under the impression that I would have the canteen, however further correspondence reveals that the main exhibition space has been double booked (quel suprise, established artist is chosen over a student, shocking concept). So I'm going to have to work around that. Also inconvenient - two volunteers in the other Peru group are studying photography at uni and so spent, I assume, have some awesome photos. I've emailed them both, one hasn't replied and the other is less than enthusiastic about getting involved. So at the minute it looks like I'm relying solely on my own photography and that scares me a little, 'cause I'm not gunna lie to you, I'm no photographer.

But it's not all bad, because I figure that the whole point of the exhibition isn't centred on amazing photography; it's about giving people an insight. Do the photos really need to be glamorous? Surely the whole thing will have more impact if the message is 'look, I'm not a photographer, but you need to see this..'? I think it could work.

And I've spoken to Terry again, I'm working around the planned exhibition in the canteen by putting up two temporary screens. That provides me with 8 hangable sides, and I can always exhibit in the Viscom corridor simultaneously with signage directing people up from the canteen. (I have considered using the VC corridor as my primary space but it just doesn't get enough attention. How am I meant to raise awareness of development issues if nobody sees it?)

Bleurgh. Enough word vomit.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Artist Rooms: Damien Hirst

A video published on the Tate website talking about recurring themes in Hirst's work.

Friday, 12 November 2010

British Council

I'm getting all caught up in researching development issues. That thing is happening where you discover a load of sources all at once and your brain can't take them all in properly.

Connecting the UK to the world and the world to the UK, the British Council is the UK's international cultural relations body.

In an inter-dependent, turbulent world we believe that creating opportunities for people to understand each other better, work together more and learn from one another is crucial to building secure, more prosperous and sustainable futures for us all.

I can only assume that this will be an invaluable resource for my ongoing interest in international development issues.

Global Xchange

A volunteering organisation that operates on an international exchange basis. A group of volunteers comprised of 18-25 year olds form the UK and a partnering developing country spend 3 months helping local communities in England and 3 months volunteering overseas.

They are currently accepting applications for Sept 2011 and this is something that I am definitely interested in applying for. From what I gather there is a lot of fundraising involved before the projects begin, which would fit in perfectly with my FMP. I'm already getting carried away with the idea, there's a video on the home page that almost made me cry because I can relate so well to what the volunteers are saying. I hate that I'm stuck here in a manufactured education system when all I really want to do is help communities that need it most. What I find particularly mind blowing about this program is that, despite the evident culture differences, people from third world countries are willing to volunteer their time to fly half way across the world to help a first world country. I can't really articulate how utterly incredible I think this is, I could post about it all day. I need to dabble in a bit more research to make sure I fully understand the aims of the project before submitting my application.

You can visit the website here.

I have too much to write about.

I don't know where to start.

I don't feel as though I can write about my time in Peru on here. At least not in the conventional story telling sense. I can't sit and write up everything that happened and post a million pictures all with their own anecdotes. Not because I don't want to share my experiences, but because I don't feel that anyone will really benefit from it. My experiences will be developed throughout my AVC and PPD modules in much more productive ways. I don't want to stress myself out trying to frantically recall everything I did, through a series of extensive evaluations, research projects and my own exhibition I will hopefully not only tell my story, but help to inspire others to act upon the ever increasing development issues that threaten third world countries.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

First post since Peru, I am in trouble.

I am so very behind. I'm in denial that I even have to start doing work and the minimal motivation that existed before I went definitely does not reside in me any more; I will not do any work.

I have such an overwhelming amount to write about that it almost seems pointless starting. I thought I'd start small, with a brief overview of my current situation:

I have spent the last 2 and 1/2 months volunteering in Peru. Consequently, I have missed half of the first term of my final year. I have a dissertation to write. I have a sizeable amount of work to catch up on. And I have no interest in any of it. Brilliant.

Baby steps, I logged into my blog for the first time since May. Maybe tomorrow I'll write something worth reading.