Monday, 28 September 2009

Comm Tech - Initial Thoughts

I really hated Comm-Tech last year. Really hated it. So it was pretty strange to sit in the briefing and feel.. erm...what was that... excitement?? Bugger..

"Explore and document your relationship with technology"


At the minute I feel as though book making is the area I want to specialise in so I think it'll be beneficial for me to explore printing techniques for this brief. It will give me the opportunity to build up a portfolio and also give me a better idea of how realistic my aspirations are are and whether or not there is any point in that specialism


Explore workshop based printing - etching, lino, letter press, screen printing etc. What use does it have in industry? Are there career opportunities? Advantages/disadvantages? Mass production - realistic timescales and prices?


Visit professional digital print studio - ask questions/try things out! Formatting - what software skills do you need? Limitations - dimensions/shapes etc? Creativity issues? Cost of one-offs and prototypes? What options are actually available?

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