Tonight I had a meeting with the circus staff regarding the Christmas show. I seriously underestimated the amount of planning that goes into it! I think I assumed that because it was a relatively small scale children's group that it wouldn't be that hard... hello naive!
Things that were covered:
- times - what time can the staff get there, what time should the children get there, how long would it take to get ready, times of the show, time of the interval etc.
- theme - need a recurring theme to link all the acts/costumes/music together
- equipment - borrowing lighting and sound equipment from various places, someone is bringing a drum kit in for one of the acts, need to find a PA system
- jobs - who is doing what - stage managing, greeting, front desk, costumes, face painting, catering etc.
- donations - asking the parents to donate cakes to be put on sale in the interval, donations for the raffle
- acts - making sure each child was involved in an act, allocating time limits, running order, tweaking existing acts
- publication - letters to parents and posters
- annual award - determining which child should receive the award and on what basis
- purchases - what circus equipment do we need to buy for the show, how much are we spending on food, ticket costs?
I'm pretty sure I've missed shit loads off as well. It took us 3 hours but we got there in the end and it actually got me really excited about the whole thing.
I didn't really contribute much to the meeting because they've done this for years and we're just re-clarifying most things whereas I'm completely new to events organisation and subsequently spent the evening absorbing information.
My role on the night is to make sure they're all in their costumes on time - right then.
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