Friday, 18 December 2009

Laser Cutter Induction

Despite dragging me into uni after officially finishing for Christmas, I did actually find the whole thing pretty interesting. It's actually really simple to use and the diversity of outcomes is incredible. You can import files straight from illustrator into the laser cutter software which makes things ridiculously easy, then it's just a case of clarifying the type of cut you want for each of the lines. There's presets for about 40 different materials on there already and we were shown how to make and save our own - the main thing to consider with this piece of equipment is that it's fairly reliant on experimentation so don't count on producing an immaculate finished piece first time round, it will take a few goes. Definitely going to come in handy in the future, I'll make sure of it.

I was going to take a photo of the little test piece we all made but it seems to have temporarily escaped my vision, sneaky sneaky.

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