Wednesday, 13 January 2010

There simply aren't enough hours in the day..

Hmmmmm aye let's move the exhibition forward. That'll be a really good and not at all inconvenient alteration. I love being so stressed I have to resort to the fetal position and not being able to go to work due to it wasting my valuable time and rendering my drawing hand otherwise occupied. Aye. Love it.

Seriously man, why.

So in light of the recent module changes I have since revised my to do list accordingly; competition briefs are taking a back seat. I'm quite upset because I would have liked to submit my vogue illustrations as my collections project, then coupled them with my competition entries to try and sum up my visual language a bit more, because it is in no way restricted to pencil drawings.. But on the positive side I'll still be submitting my development so far as back up work, and in the week between the exhibition and deadline I might have chance to work a bit more on them.

So, my to do list now comprises of:
  • draw a million pictures (that is still a fundamental requirement I reckon)
  • source some ornate frames to put them in - to create a salon style exhibition effect
  • book the laser cutter for my obligatory wall piece (before which I have to draw out my frame images and make rough decisions on layout and size)
  • develop a postcard along the same theme as the wall piece (possibly embossing? If so, arrange to go make a plate in Vernon st.)
  • finalise curatorial decisions - finishing etc.
  • since I agreed to be part of the curatorial group and also an exhibition technician I'd probably better whack that on here as well, it's only dawned on me that I actively added to my list of jobs, I'm a complete spastic.

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